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Camping Trip With Jordan - A great time in the mountains.

Writer's picture: Dan Dan

We stayed in his new trailer. Which he worked very hard to earn.

Sept. 7th - After we met at the junction, we made our way to a campsite. There was a fair bit of snow in the mountains ... it truly was a very cold night. LOL

Sept. 8th Jordan prepared breakfast early in morning ... bacon and eggs. He then went fishing and I enjoyed my time at our campsite by the river listening to the rapids, observing nature around me ... and having a cold one. Hahaha!

When Jordan got back, we went for a drive up to where my brother Phil used to camp.

We went down a different path to some beautiful falls.

First time I was ever down there. Absolutely beautiful. While Jordan was fishing, I went exploring and taking photographs..

As I was half way up the hill I turned around and was able to video capture Jordan catching a fish.

As I went walking closer to where Phil use to camp, I came across four Bighorn Sheep! I just watched them eat away. Jordan showed up shortly after and we headed to the truck.

On the drive back, we came across a black bear heading right for us. It turned and scampered down the road until it found a place to veer off into the woods.

Later, Jordan went down the river to do a little fishing before supper. He stated he didn't catch any fish but caught a tent. LOL. This tent was abandoned and was on top of some bushes and tree pile.

Everytime Jordan goes out fishing, he brings back other people's garbage he finds ... beer cans, wrappers, etc. Good on Jordan, damn shame people can't just take their own shit out with them.

September 9th

Jordan got up early and prepared pancakes. A great job. Off he went fishing ... the sun was just coming up and it was cooooolllld.

Later, after he fished an area, Jordan was back and we had lunch. Jordan drove me up a back road to Old Man River North Falls and beyond. We stopped at the falls and I took a few pics while Jordan fished.

A beautiful view of the mountains from here. The road was on the rough side for sure.

On our hike back to the truck, Jordan spotted this critter, can you see it? Look closely, it is there.

We had Campfire dinner for supper. Talk about too much food. But sooooo good. LOL

This evening we played washer toss where he whooped me good.

As the sun set on our day, a special moment captured the essence of our day.

Sept. 10

I woke up at 530am and went outside to pee. The half moon was so bright it lit up the entire campsite. The stars were so brilliant and the Big Dipper was just in front of me. So peaceful. I went back to sleep for a little while.

When Jordan got up around 7am, he made pancakes ... for himself. I was still stuffed from supper. LOL

I drove Jordan off to a point where he went fishing and I drove back to camp. Within an hour he was back at the campsite ... he said too many fishermen in the good pools. I then took my truck and he took his. He dropped his truck off and I drove him a few kilometers up the road. He would walk back to his truck. My truck got a little dirt on it.

I made a peanut butter and strawberry jam(made it myself) sandwich, banana and orange juice. A light, but good breakfast.

While Jordan was away fishing, Charlie and Karen showed up. They set up their camp and then Charlie went for a hike while Karen read and I meditated by the river.

Later we had supper together and played washer toss. Then just sat by the river and chatted.

We had a little visitor looking for some food for winter storage. He kept getting closer and closer ... brave little fella.

Sept. 11th

This morning I was up at 7am. I was suppose to go for a hike with Charlie and Karen but did not want to push my foot as I was starting to feel it was getting better. This made it tough as I wanted to go ... so badly I wanted to get out hiking again.

Jordan made bacon and eggs for breakfast before heading out to go fishing.

Meanwhile, I went for a short walk around an area that was known by first nation's as a place they played games during the 1700's. I walked around there for a little while. A lovely spot.

Then back to campsite at 11am and listening to the river and meditating. I was just starting to drift when a helicopter went by. I noticed how clear and blue the sky was and the moon just blended in so nicely.

Jordan was back at 1pm and he cooked chicken Alfredo ... so good.

Played some washer toss and got my butt kicked by Jordan ... again.

September 12th

Jordan went fishing all morning after making breakfast for us.

Charlie, Karen and I went looking for fossils in the morning. We stayed over by where Philip used to love camping.

We got back at camp around 1pm, Jordan showed up right behind us and Bonnie arrived shortly after.

After a short visit, Charlie and I went to check out the plains by the river. We spotted a hornets nest high in a tree. They say if the nests are high in trees, there is going to be a lot of snow this year.

We had a great visit ... lots of laughs. Bonnie prepared a wonderful supper including fried veggies and Jordan cooked the steaks Bonnie brought... a lovely meal.

Seeing some smoke today from a forest fire up north.

We sat around and chatted into the night. A couple times a gust of wind came up that blew all the chairs over. Wow!

Sept. 13

Jordan, Charlie, Karen, Bonnie and I sat around and had cereal for breakfast. Charlie and Karen broke camp and headed back home. Bonnie stayed until lunch and left about 1pm. Jordan prepared his chicken Alfredo.

Jordan and I sat around for the afternoon and Jordan cooked a beer chicken ... so good. The smoke from forest fire was getting heavy today.

Sept. 14

The area is thick with smoke this morning. Jordan made pancakes and then we made our own lunches for a road trip. Jordan and I took a drive to West Castle today. We took the Lynx River road and stopped at the river junction. This was a great fishing place for Jordan and an awesome hiking place for me.

See many traces of bear ... lots of berries, bear tracks and scat, but no bear. Not much wildlife sitings today, but still a great day.

Saw a huge bull trout in a pool near here! A beautiful area.

Sept. 15

Broke camp and Jordan headed to Pincher to empty the tanks, while I headed back to Calgary to move into my new apartment. Exciting times ahead, but what a great week to spend with Jordan and some days with my siblings. Thank you all for starting my adventure off so lovely. Cheers.

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Sep 27, 2020

Thank you Peter, that is so nice of you to say. Yes, life is good. 😀 Looking forward to getting to BC to see you and Lina.


Sep 27, 2020

I really like the way to write a nice commentary with your pictures, Dan. It makes it feel like one is right there with you. Everyone looks healthy and happy. LIFE IS GOOD!


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