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Touring About Templars and Other 500 Year Old History of La Alberca

Date of Event:  April 2nd, 2019.

The Director of the Pueblo Ingles Program took us into town in the morning and we had a wonderful tour of this amazing town. We arrived at the cross that borders the town.  

The Director explained about how so many trees were cut down years ago that the Spanish became fearful about deserts replacing the green land.   He pointed out that Blue Pine were brought over from Canada to help with reforestation and that was over 200 years ago!

He talked about ferns being brought over that helped the English soldiers feel like they were home. 

Another interesting fact was about these caterpillars when eaten by dogs or other animals, that they can die from these caterpillars ... because of the spirs on the caterpillar body when an animal tries to swallow them,  they get lodged in their throats.  The only animal that does not eat these caterpillar are pigs.

We made our way into town and the Director shared many interesting facts about this lovely town.   From the first jail,  the town hall,  and he also included how the construction of the buildings in this area weathered storms,  earthquakes and other natural disasters because of the sophisticated architecture. 

We stopped by the Church statue of a pig.  This statue is a very good representation of this towns main staple.  

Across from this statue was a main entrance to a home with a specific carving above the door.  This carving was representative of a dark part of the history in this region ... in reference to the Spanish Conquistadors.

At this point to the right was a sign that mentioned about a place where to leave your valuables.   You were given a cheque with a list of the items that you were leaving.   The sign of a first type of bank. 

The buildings and roads are extremely old in this village.   So well done. 

This monument is located in the town square.   Many lovely restaurants and shops are located here. 

This is the original site of the jail.   Presently it is an information location for tourists. 

Narrow cobblestone streets and ancient buildings ... such a romantic village.   I love it! 😊 

Where pig is the main staple of this city,  you can find many shops similar to the one below.   It is so tasty! 

Some of my Pueblo Ingles family. (Left to right: Guillermo, Antonio,  Mike,  Dan,  Fran ... front: Rocio, Oscar).

The chef who cut the meat for us to sample.   I was informed that this meat was of high quality and it was so gooooood!

Wine,  fine meats,  cheese and bread.  Wow! 

My Spanish sister,  Carmen and I had so much fun together.   Carmen is from Canary Island's and is an air traffic controller.  Such an amazing beautiful lady.

Pueblo Ingles had a fantastic lunch prepared for us in their restaurant located in town. The food was amazing as was the wine. 

I was informed that these wine bottles are representative of a very expensive Spanish wine.

Having small pig for lunch ... oh my ... so good. 

More Pueblo Ingles family (Jeffrey,  Antonio,  Dan, Guillermo,  Sharon and in front Amelia)

My Spanish Brothers Antonio,  Dan,  Guillermo.

Dan and Amelia ... such a lovely kiwi lady.

Dan with Allen ... such a fantastic humor.   Always had an answer for everything. An amazing guy with a positive attitude.   You never know what he will say.  LOL

Beautiful side streets. 

Entrance to our Pueblo Ingles facility for the week. 

Elias and I walking back from town.   Elias is a retired doctor and such a brilliant man with such a great sense of humor. 

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